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The day I saved Christmas with RFID

The Day I Saved Christmas with RFID

Ho, ho, ho… Hello everyone! It’s me, Santa Claus, and today I want to tell you a story that will surely surprise you. You see, Christmas wasn’t always perfect, even though I try to make it so every year. Do you know what happens when you have millions of toys, hundreds of elves running around, and a sleigh that must cover the world in just one night? Yes, a logistical chaos.


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Airport Innovation: How Kyubi System’s RFID Technology Revolutionizes Airport Operations

Innovation in Airports – Kyubi System

Airports are complex environments that function as interconnected ecosystems, where efficiency and precision are critical. At Kyubi System, we lead the digital transformation of airport operations through automated systems enabled with RFID technology (more…)

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The Impact of RFID on the Global Healthcare Sector

Kyubi System Solutions That Transform Hospital Management

In such a critical environment as the healthcare sector, where every minute counts and margins for error must be practically nonexistent, RFID technology (more…)

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What is RFID and how does it work?

What is RFID?

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an advanced technology that enables the automatic identification and tracking of objects using radio waves. (more…)

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